New clients might talk first talk about things that they want. "I want a website". "I want a brochure about my services". "I want a new logo". But really they want certain things to happen. To improve. They want potential new patients to find them on the internet. They want their current patients to refer themselves or others for additional services that the practice offers. Or they want their image to match where they want the practice to go. There are many things that a client might be hoping for when they ask for marketing assistance. Sally's job is to identify what it is that you hope for and then to give you a realistic, cost-effective plan for achieving those goals.
When you think of marketing you probably think of the creative side. But you probably already have great ideas. Medical professionals are smart and creative, and almost always have a ton of ideas on how they might market their practice. They just rarely have a plan for implementing them or the time to devote to making it happen. Or, if you are part of a marketing team at a healthcare orgainization, you just have between 1 and a million too many things to get done already.
It's always been important to see a return on your marketing investment. In today's competitive healthcare world, it's critical to success. A marketing partner can bring your ideas to life, breath new life into outdated appoaches and not only produce the "things" that you want, but more importantly, the results you need.
If you are in private practice, contact Sally Marketing to assist in identifying market opportunities that will give patients reasons to select you as their provider. In addition to tradional marketing services, Sally can help you create a better patient experience, generate more referrals and make best use of today's new technologies.
If you are part of a larger healthcare system, Sally Marketing can provide a cost-efficient addition to your marketing team by focusing on specific projects or service lines. Video production, recruitment advertising and special event marketing are a few of the support services provided.
Either way, contact Sally for a free, no-obligation consultation. Your time and confidence will always be valued. And be sure to visit my Showcase for samples of my work.